About Geoffrey Morell
We all have the ability to be healers…
This website will provide the information and resources you need to acquire the same abilities that Geoffrey developed and shared.
The first step in developing this ability is to learn to use dowsing rods or a pendulum. Then you can use the pendulum to dowse the body to find areas of disharmony. Eventually you will learn to use your hands to determine areas of poor health in the body.
The technique involves first clearing the body’s negative aura. Then the healer asks whether there are any negative spirits (more common than you may think!) and removes them through the crown chakra, never to return.
Then with a pendulum or the hands held just above the body, the healer “dowses” the body to find areas of disharmony—first on the back of the body and then the front. As he moves from the feet to the head, he names the parts of the anatomy—toes, feet, ankles, etc, all the way up to ears, eyes and brain—asking whether they are working in harmony with the body. The healer then clears these areas of poor function—sometimes using a kind of psychic surgery—to remove any negativity and put them back in harmony with the body.
Then with a pendulum or the hands held just above the body, the healer “dowses” the body to find areas of disharmony—first on the back of the body and then the front. As he moves from the feet to the head, he names the parts of the anatomy—toes, feet, ankles, etc, all the way up to ears, eyes and brain—asking whether they are working in harmony with the body. The healer then clears these areas of poor function—sometimes using a kind of psychic surgery—to remove any negativity and put them back in harmony with the body.
After working on the body, the healer uses the pendulum or his hands to ask about deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, and possible herbal remedies that might help the client.
These techniques can also be used to “heal” houses and buildings that have negative energy or are haunted by negative spirits.
Unlike other healing modalities, the Clendinning Technique requires an effort on the part of the client.
First, the client needs to make a change in his or her thinking. Let go of your yesterdays! (There is a ceremony that you can do for this [link].) Have goals! Wake up with enthusiasm for the new day and what you are going to accomplish that day and at a future date! Have a good laugh every day. (This is especially important for men!) And remember that everyone needs four hugs per day—if you don’t have a person to hug, hug a tree!
Second, the practitioner suggests a change in the way of eating. Geoffrey recommended the Wise Traditions diet of the Weston A. Price Foundation , which includes nutrient-dense meat, organ meats, animal fats, seafood, bone broth, fermented foods and whole raw dairy foods—and, as much as possible, eliminates all processed foods, especially industrial seed oils and refined sweeteners.
Geoffrey also explored the psychosomatic reasons for illness, sharing the books Heal Your Body by Louise Hay or Permanent Healing by Daniel Condron with his clients.
In most cases, after a session, the client goes out into the world feeling unburdened and free, with the knowledge and tools needed to maintain good health over the years.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are interested in a workshop.
Everything is in its right place!
Geoffrey Clendinning Morell, JP, ND

Geoffrey Clendinning Morell
April 1, 1926-December 3, 1924