Getting Go of Your Yesterdays
Everyone has suffered from some traumatic experience in the past—whether verbal or physical abuse—even such terrible things as your mother not wanting you in the first place. Many children have experienced real horrors—from rape to witnessing a parent killed. I have heard of these things from my patients and even worse.
Needless to say, these traumas can cloud over constructive thoughts and prevent us from going forward.
Here is a remedy—tried and proven—that can help you let go your yesterdays. This is a big part of the Clendinning Technique.
First, make a decision that your past has gone, the you will live for the present day and for the future, and not live in the past. This may be difficult for some folks born under certain sun signs, but it is achievable nevertheless.
Then, select a suitable isolated place—the top of a hill is best. Go there alone or with a friend. You will need paper, a pen or pencil and a good belt with a big buckle. You are going to leave the belt there, so it should be an old belt you don’t want anymore.
Write down your hurts and traumas on the paper (you need not tell your friend what you are writing). Describe all the instances in your life in which you were shocked, humiliated, injured or badly affected in any way. Take your time, leave nothing out that is of relevance.
Then, scrape away some of the dirt or sand to make a depression and place the paper and pen in it. Take the belt and wrap the end without the buckle around your hand. View the scene with the piece of paper and contemplate what you are about to do.
Now stand up and start beating the paper with the belt buckle. Make those papers feel the whack of the buckle.
Stop after about six slaps. Unwind the belt from your hand and concentrate on getting rid of these traumas. Center your mind as you have a meaningful job to do.
Now wrap the belt around your hand again. Then Wham! Wham! Wham! As hard as you can. You will know that the contents written have received their due. Emotionally you know you have done the right thing and consider your actions a conquest of the past. . . and perhaps even a penalty for past actions.
Toss the belt into the depression with the paper and pen and cover it all over with the dirt or sand you have removed.
Then turn yourself around, set your shoulders back, head alert and walk away from the discarded past. Now you can say, “I can live each day easily as it unfolds.” Congratulations! You are now moving into a new era.
Even Geoffrey needed to go through this ritual!
I have improved and added to the Clendinning Technique of Intuitive and Natural Healing over the past fifty years, since receiving instructions from spirit guides in the 1970s.
One thing I teach and stress more and more is that everything is in its right place—be assured that everything happens for a reason and at exactly the right time.
Leave the people who have hurt you behind—anyway, they will never apologize—and live for today, with copious goals for tomorrow. I have seen that this method really works in removing unwanted memories, helping us live in the present and having goals for the future.
I Am with Joy in Mind,
Geoffrey C. Morell, JP, ND

About Geoffrey Morell
The remarkable life of Geoffrey Clendinning Morell began in Gisborne, New Zealand; he grew up in the small New Zealand town of Opotiki, where he enjoyed canoeing, fishing and riding in the sidecar of his dad’s motocycle. All dreams of a university education were shattered by the Great Depression; he left high school early to work on his grandfather’s farm, where they still plowed with horses and gathered hay with scythes.

What is the Clendenning Technique?
The Clendinning Technique is a spiritual, energetic healing technique based around dowsing and intuitive scanning to identify and rectify energy blocks and bring the body into balance and healing. The technique was devised by GEOFFREY C. MORELL, Medical intuitive and energy healer.

Geoffrey’s Daily Affirmations
Affirmations to say each morning and evening to clear away negative energies and move forward

Dowsing and Energy Healing: Ancient Science
Since the beginning of the scientific age, the ability to perceive subtle energies was regarded as a superstition.
Download the full report written by Sally Fallon

Sciatica Relief
Geoffrey Suffered From Sciatica, Too
After years of watching the intense agony of sciatica experienced by men and women across the world, Geoffrey posted the following for your information.