About Geoffrey Morell
The remarkable life of Geoffrey Clendinning Morell began in Gisborne, New Zealand; he grew up in the small New Zealand town of Opotiki, where he enjoyed canoeing, fishing and riding in the sidecar of his dad’s motocycle. All dreams of a university education were shattered by the Great Depression; he left high school early to work on his grandfather’s farm, where they still plowed with horses and gathered hay with scythes.

What is the Clendenning Technique?
The Clendinning Technique is a spiritual, energetic healing technique based around dowsing and intuitive scanning to identify and rectify energy blocks and bring the body into balance and healing. The technique was devised by GEOFFREY C. MORELL, Medical intuitive and energy healer.

Geoffrey’s Daily Affirmations
Affirmations to say each morning and evening to clear the aura of negativity, pinpoint the region of disharmony in the physical and work to balance the human system.

Letting Go of Your Yesterdays
Everyone has suffered from some traumatic experience in the past—whether verbal or physical abuse—even such terrible things as your mother not wanting you in the first place. Many children have experienced real horrors—from rape to witnessing a parent killed.

Dowsing and Energy Healing: Ancient Science
Since the beginning of the scientific age, the ability to perceive subtle energies was regarded as a superstition.
Download the full report written by Sally Fallon

Sciatica Relief
Geoffrey Suffered From Sciatica, Too
After years of watching the intense agony of sciatica experienced by men and women across the world, Geoffrey posted the following for your information.