student practice woman with pendulum man lying on table facing down
cu of student hands swinging pendulum bobbin
Geoffrey Morell demonstrating Clendenning Healing Technique on woman lying face down on massage table
Geoffrey Morell at hotel event healing woman in pink sweater with Clendenning Technique
Geoffrey Morell massage table with tools and energy healing books seen from foot of table
Geoffrey Morell demonstrating Clendenning Healing Technique on woman lying face up on massage table surrounded by students looking on

What is the Clendenning Technique?

The Clendinning Technique is a spiritual, energetic healing technique based around dowsing and intuitive scanning to identify and rectify energy blocks and bring the body into balance and healing. The technique was devised by GEOFFREY C. MORELL, Medical intuitive and energy healer.

The Clendinning Technique originates from the understanding that we are all our own healers and by knowing that we can all tap into our intuitive abilities. By so doing, we can address concerns and issues with better clarity to ease ourselves back into rebalanced health.

Both the client and practitioner need to believe in some form of higher energy, power or body. The details are not important, but the BELIEF is. 

A Clendenning Technique practitioner visualizes himself or herself to be a conduit of energy for the person receiving it. The receiver can be either seated or lying down fully clothed on a massage table.

Healing can take place so long as the subject is receptive, not persuaded.  A healing situation can be in a clinic, in an aircraft, train, waiting room or wherever the healer offers their touch as the channel from the Higher Force.  Distance makes no difference.  Clendinning practitioners can work on an individual even when he or she is not physically present, so long as he is able to identify the person with a photo and birthdate.

  • Cleanse the aura of negativity
  • Clearing the body of any entities, if necessary
  • External and internal assessment of all parts of the body, using intuitive dowsing procedures
  • Work on the physical body to clear any disharmonies
  • Occasionally performs of a psychic “operation”
  • Reference to the book Heal Your Body by Louise. L. Hay or Permanent Healing by Daniel Condron. These books offer appropriate affirmations as their words give a deeper understanding of the reasons for illness and provide a positive focus
  • Muscle or pendulum test for nutritional deficiencies and possible herbal remedies
  • Suggest changes in the way of eating and the way of thinking
  • Suggest letting go of the past, using the Letting Go Ritual
  • Sealed with a hug and gratitude to God

A Clendinning session usually takes an hour to an hour and a half (but the technique can be applied for a minute or two depending upon need and urgency). For a full session we usually start with the client lying prone; both sides of your body are fully assessed

Following your session with a Clendinning practitioner, you will always feel better, sometimes dramatically so. You will be more aware of helpful foods that can improve your health. You will have affirmations to work with, be able to focus on goals, and importantly leave with a much better self-awareness.

Geoffrey seated talking to students in barn

About Geoffrey Morell

The remarkable life of Geoffrey Clendinning Morell began in Gisborne, New Zealand; he grew up in the small New Zealand town of Opotiki, where he enjoyed canoeing, fishing and riding in the sidecar of his dad’s motocycle. All dreams of a university education were shattered by the Great Depression; he left high school early to work on his grandfather’s farm, where they still plowed with horses and gathered hay with scythes.


Geoffrey Clendinning Morell

Geoffrey’s Daily Affirmations

Affirmations to say each morning and evening to clear away negative energies and move forward


Letting Go of Your Yesterdays

Everyone has suffered from some traumatic experience in the past—whether verbal or physical abuse—even such terrible things as your mother not wanting you in the first place. Many children have experienced real horrors—from rape to witnessing a parent killed.


Dowsing and Energy Healing: Ancient Science

Since the beginning of the scientific age, the ability to perceive subtle energies was regarded as a superstition.

Download the full report written by Sally Fallon


Geoffrey Morell demonstrating Clendenning Healing Technique on woman lying face down on massage table

Sciatica Relief

Geoffrey Suffered From Sciatica, Too

After years of watching the intense agony of sciatica experienced by men and women across the world, Geoffrey posted the following for your information.